“Helping the Environment” Homeowners Upgrade to LED Outdoor Lighting & Smart Lighting Systems

Trends in outdoor lighting and landscape lighting can change on a dime. Homeowners’ motivations ebb and flow with the economy, the political landscape, and their individual priorities, lifestyle, and goals. Recent changes in landscape lighting trends have been lead by technological improvements. Better looking and performing LED lights and improved automation with smart controllers and timers are today’s hottest development.

Just a year or two ago, LED replaced Halogen as the main product for new landscape lighting installation. With 80% less energy use, it was an obvious move for new installations with its beautiful appearance and performance. This year Houzz has discovered new and encouraging lighting trends in their 2017 Landscape Trends Study.

A survey that included “977 homeowners who have undergone, or will be undergoing, outdoor renovations” found 45% of outdoor-renovating homeowners updated or installed outdoor lighting.

LED & High-Quality Lighting is Preferred

The best news is in the details. While you may be tempted with the aisles and aisles of lighting options at the big box stores, you’ll be happier with the design, quality, and longevity of professional outdoor lighting. Professional quality fixtures, expert lighting design, and meticulous installation will leave you thrilled for years, and we’ll be here to help you out if maintenance or adjustments are needed.

Don’t take our word, according to the survey, homeowners across the country are opting for higher-quality outdoor lighting. In fact, 73% upgraded to LED! While LED landscape lighting has a slightly higher up-front cost than some other options, over the long life of the product and the energy savings, it is actually the better value overall. Utility savings and environmental benefits make it an easy decision when a system needs updating to go ahead and upgrade it to LED.

Smart Landscape Lighting

While we have been hoping for and anticipating these trends, we are surprised and excited to hear that about 20% of the outdoor lighting renovations/additions have involved smart lighting. With the recent availability of smart landscape lighting controllers that allow you to manage your lighting from your smartphone, everyone can work towards making their entire home a smart home.

The Houzz study sites “helping the environment” as a key factor for some outdoor renovations. At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis, being good stewards of the planet is on the top of our mind as well as our sister brand Conserva Irrigation. Our goal is to help you make environmentally friendly choices for your home and life that do not compromise on quality, effectiveness, or in the case of lighting, beauty. Call today for a free nighttime landscape lighting demonstration. (763) 317-0827