Why Professional Quality Outdoor Lighting is the Best Choice for Your Minneapolis Landscape Design

When you think of outdoor lighting or landscape lighting you probably think of the plastic type you can stick in the ground along your front walkway. These lights come from one of the big box stores and can be solar powered or low-voltage. While plenty of people are happy with the lighting these landscape lights emit, we can’t help but share with you the dramatic difference you’ll enjoy if you choose our high-quality copper or brass LED lights and the professional installation that comes with them.

Solar Lighting FixtureCopper vs. Plastic

Choosing quality outdoor lighting fixtures means choosing copper or brass. Copper and brass fixtures will weather nicely to a nice patina that blends in beautifully with surrounding landscape. Plastic fixtures will fade, warp, fog up and generally look less than stellar after just a few years in the elements. Our copper and brass fixtures can withstand rain, wind, high heat, UV rays and snow without deterioration or corrosion. Brass and copper fixtures can also take some bumps without shattering, cracking or breaking the way a plastic outdoor lighting fixture will.

LED vs. Solar

While we love saving and using sustainable forms of energy, the solar-powered landscape lights of today just don’t get the job done. Their solar panels are small, and the light they emit is weak and runs out a short time after the sun goes down. With LED landscape lighting by Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis, you’ll use very little electricity and have more control over when your lights are on and when they are not. You’ll also enjoy a custom landscape lighting design that will make your home and garden the envy of the neighborhood.

Professional Installation vs. D.I.Y. Low-voltage installation

Installing low-voltage landscape lighting yourself can be done. But, we wouldn’t recommend it. Forgetting the lower quality of the lights themselves, there is a lot that can go wrong when working with electricity, digging to bury lines and placing lights for optimal aesthetic appeal. Some jobs are best left to the professionals to give you the best results and save you an entire Saturday (or weekend) driving back and forth to the hardware store, troubleshooting what step you missed, and potentially causing a problem in your home’s electrical system.

Luxurious Landscape Lighting Design

Big box landscape lights look completely different than a professional outdoor lighting system when the sun sets. Rather than washing light onto the path or landscape feature for visibility and beauty, these lights create points of light that don’t travel very far from the source. The effect is a more festive look like what you get from holiday lighting versus the elegance and safety created by lights that illuminate paths, landscaping and homes.

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis is your best choice for adding charm and nighttime function to your home and property with outdoor lighting. Our quality bronze and copper fixtures along with our professional design and installation make all the difference. Call today for a free nighttime demonstration. (763) 317-0827