Saint Louis Park Outdoor Lighting for a Luxurious Home Renovation

House Front YardAlong with our sister company, Conserva Irrigation of the Twin Cities, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis is happy to announce our participation in The Green Grossfield Project. This project is a fixer-up home renovation story headed up by Jordana Green, a radio host on WCCO Radio. Along with her fiancé Marc Grossfield, she is transforming an old home into an updated dream home to be featured in Midwest Home’s 2016 Luxury Home Remodelers Tour. And when it comes to making a modern home a dream, nothing compares to adding beautiful LED outdoor lighting and the most efficient irrigation system available.

Nestled in Saint Louis Park, just outside of Uptown Minneapolis, the original home was built in 1948. Featuring 4 bedrooms and 1.5 baths the home was in need of some serious updating. Along with the 1950’s wallpaper and old carpet, the home just wasn’t functional for a family. While updating and expanding the home is the main object, they will also have some repair issues to deal with such as a basement suffering from water damage.

PathwayCurrently in process, they added 1,400 square feet with a second story addition. The addition will include 3 new bedrooms and a master suite. They are also updating all the current rooms to function and look better. They will also add outdoor living space with decking and patio additions.

At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Minneapolis, we design custom outdoor lighting designs to match any home style or family needs. The Green Grossfield project features a very modern design and gorgeous paver walkway. To highlight those features while fitting in with the aesthetic perfectly, we chose to install Hinkley Atlantis Series path lights. Their modern design not only matches the coach lights on the house but they match the homes minimalist look. Complementing the modern design of the home with modern LED outdoor lighting fixtures is as equally important as highlighting the home with gorgeous illumination.

Follow the progress of this exciting home renovation on the Green Grossfield Houzz project page. It will be featured in the Luxury Home Remodelers Tour on August 13-14 & August 20-21. Be sure to keep an eye out in Midwest Home magazine for a feature story when the project is complete. In the meantime, Conserva is installing a highly efficient Minneapolis irrigation system, and we may just be installing some more gorgeous LED outdoor lighting. Stay tuned for more on this Minneapolis outdoor lighting transformation story…