Minneapolis Outdoor Lighting Transforms Your Post Holiday Home for Year Round Magic

Does your Minneapolis home seem empty and boring now that the holiday décor is packed away for the year? You’re not alone in feeling as if something is missing. The cheer created by your Christmas lights and outdoor decorations is sorely missed during the long nights and frigid gray days of January and February. Don’t suffer through this feeling next year. With LED outdoor lighting, we can create that warm cheerful feeling year round. With a strategic combination of architectural lighting and landscape lighting, your home will be as gorgeous year round as it is during the holidays.

Beautiful home surrounded by tall trees


Architectural lighting is a great year round substitute for c9 roofline lights. Highlighting the height and character of your home’s design, architectural lighting allows your home’s beauty to be seen at night. We’ll place focal lights to uplight the front façade of your home from below. Highlighting the texture, depth and design from the ground to the roof. For two-story home’s, we may add soffit lighting to illuminate particularly decorative peaks or dormers, creating a post-card perfect scene. The result is an illuminated home that offers a warm invitation to come inside and cozy up by the fire.

Snow covered front lawn


While architectural lighting certainly adds a great deal of that warm welcome you are missing, Minneapolis landscape lighting provides the finishing touch. Your home is more than just your house. Your property and landscape are just as important. We’ll strategically place landscape lights to illuminate important paths and highlight beautiful plants and shrubbery around your property. We will shine gorgeous focal lights up into the lovely trees dotting your front yard, for that bit of extra life you enjoyed when your trees were wrapped in string lights. With the magic of landscape lighting your home will be instantly transformed, as you enjoy the changing greenery or falling snow all year long.

If you’re feeling the post-holiday décor blues, let us help. Call today for a free consultation so we’ll be ready to install your new outdoor lighting system as soon as the ground thaws. (763) 317-0827