Design Your Minneapolis LED Outdoor Lighting Design for Early Spring Installation & A Full Season of Enjoyment

Did you know that winter is the best time to get your Minneapolis outdoor lighting project underway?

Home with beautiful lightingAs the winter closes in on us and the days get shorter and shorter, you may be reminded of your outdoor lighting needs more frequently. But you may also be thinking you need to wait until spring to get started. While a frozen ground does indeed impede our ability to install new systems, it doesn’t stop us from designing them and getting materials ordered and ready to go. What better way to make use of the cold winter months than to plan for the gorgeous spring weather that is on the way.


  • Outdoor lighting experts face an extremely busy spring season. Right now, they have some extra time to give you special care and attention, getting you through the process faster.
  • Less wait time for each step in the outdoor lighting design, installation or service process.
  • With the design and material orders being completed now, your new outdoor lighting system will be on the schedule for installation as soon as the ground thaws.
  • Spring days are also shorter than summer days. You’ll be able to have your system in the ground when the sun is setting early and you could really use that added visibility.
  • The New Year can mean new prices. If prices increase for 2017, you could beat the system by getting your contract signed now for the earliest spring installation.

Prepare for a gorgeous Minnesota spring today, by starting your LED outdoor lighting design process now. Call (763) 317-0827 for your free consultation.