10 Reasons Louisville Landscape Lighting is Among the Most Popular Home Upgrades Today

Whether you have a 5-year plan for gradually upgrading your home or you take it one year at a time, landscape lighting should be high on your list. People who track these kinds of things report that landscape lighting is one of the most popular home upgrades today all across the country. Here in Louisville, KY, we are definitely seeing an uptick in the number clients who say they are adding landscape lighting as a home exterior upgrade. Some are prioritizing it over interior upgrades they have planned.

Reasons to Add Landscape Lighting: You Plan to Sell Your Home

  1. As you have probably already guessed, a steady percentage of homeowners who plan to sell add landscape lighting before they list the home with a Realtor. The primary reason given: Nighttime curb appeal.
  2. Outdoor living areas are huge selling points in home buying these days. A home with an outdoor living space that includes professionally designed and installed landscape lighting is twice as appealing to home buyers.
  3. Landscape lighting is a home improvement that can be implemented quickly, so homeowners looking to sell quickly embrace landscape lighting as part of their get-sold-quick plan. To have your lighting installed quickly and professionally, it’s best to call Louisville landscape lighting specialist Outdoor Perspectives of Louisville rather than try to do it yourself. By relying on a professional, you don’t need to worry if the electrical work is being done correctly.
  4. Of the various upgrades you might perform before listing your home, the addition of landscape lighting makes a huge impact for a relatively small investment.

Reasons to Add Landscape Lighting: You Plan to Stay in Your Home

  1. Not everyone who’s adding landscape lighting is doing so to sell their home! Most of our clients have no intention of moving. They are investing in an upgrade purely for their own enjoyment. Having seen landscape lighting at someone else’s home, or in a commercial setting, they love it and want it, too.
  2. Some of our clients take great satisfaction at being the first on their block or their street to add landscape lighting for nighttime curb appeal. Yes, it can be a status symbol.
  3. Home sellers are not the only ones looking for a quick and low-mess update. When you’re sprucing up your home—and maybe that’s something you do around this time every year—you may have bad memories of experiencing a renovation from hell. Landscape lighting clients appreciate that this is one upgrade they won’t suffer through.
  4. Outdoor lighting for better outdoor living … that is the primary motivation for many homeowners adding landscape lighting around a deck, patio or pool. The ambiance is incredibly inviting, and our clients appreciate how many more hours per week they spend enjoying their outdoor spaces after dark with landscape lighting.
  5. Again, homeowners gain a huge impact for little investment when they upgrade to landscape lighting. If you’re considering LED lights because they’re so much more energy-efficient than traditional lighting technologies, you are right on target
  6. Homeowners enjoy their gardens, water features and fountains more at night with landscape lighting. They have discovered that these favorite landscape features don’t have to go dark at night.

Common Motivations for Adding Louisville Landscape Lighting Today

If you’ve read through both of the lists above, you probably sensed a pattern. Homeowners who are selling a home and homeowners who plan to stay in their homes have very similar reasons for upgrading to landscape lighting. No wonder it’s such a popular upgrade!

Improving your home doesn’t have to mean extensive renovation projects, dusty messes, and huge investments; a little bit goes a long way. Call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Louisville today for a design consultation. (502) 237-5178