The Beginning of Daylight Savings Time Could be the Beginning of a Louisville Landscape Lighting Timer Headache


With the beginning of Daylight Savings Time in Louisville, you may be celebrating the return of arriving home from work under the light of the shining sun, but you may also be facing some less than thrilling side effects. Readjusting your sleep schedule might have you dragging each morning and reaching for an extra cup of coffee each afternoon. You may also find yourself going to war with any timers or controllers that run your household’s lighting, irrigation, or security systems. If your Louisville landscape lighting timer has your lights coming on too early and trying to adjust it feels like reading Ancient Egypt hieroglyphics, call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Louisville today!

Landscape Lighting Timer Programming

Whether we installed your system or not, at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Louisville, we are happy to help with your timer issues. Check out our timer instructions page and then give us a call if you are still not sure what to do. If we can’t help you over the phone, we’d be happy to come out to your home or business and get you squared away.

Landscape Lighting Timer UpgradesBrook Tafel owner of Louisville outdoor lighting perspectives

Have you ever seen people in movies control various home systems such as music, lighting, and even appliances from a computer dashboard or their smartphone? This can be a reality in your home with the Outdoor Lighting Perspectives Lighting Control Automation (LCA). With the ability to control outlets indoor and out, we can help you program special zones for mood lighting, party lighting, and everyday landscape lighting. With our smart system, it will automatically adjust programming to account for the twice a year time change and the continuous changes in the length of the night.

Even better yet, we (and you) can log in from afar and adjust landscape lighting programming. If you’re staying out late and want the lights on to greet you – you can do it. If you are away on business or vacation and forgot to adjust the programming for the appearance that you are indeed home – you can do that too. Call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Louisville today for all of your landscape lighting timer and controller needs. (502) 237-5178. We look forward to working with you.