The Total Solar Eclipse in Louisville – What You Need to Know

Are you excited for the solar eclipse on August 21st? While Louisville is going to be out of the path that will get a perfect view of a total solar eclipse, we will (weather permitting) get a partial solar eclipse from our vantage point. When the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth we get a solar eclipse. As a result, our view of the sun will be blocked by the moon, creating darkness during the daytime hours.

2017 Solar Eclipse in Louisville

The solar eclipse is a sight to behold even if you don’t get a total eclipse. In Louisville, the eclipse will start at 12:59 PM on August 21st, maxing out at 2:27 PM and ending at about 3:51 PM. Do NOT look directly at the solar eclipse. Since we are not in the path of the total eclipse, there is not a moment when this is safe. Please get a pair of solar viewers or eclipse glasses well in advance so that you can view the magic of this momentous occasion safely. Read other eclipse safety tips here.

Daytime Use of Outdoor Lighting?

While maybe it won’t be dark enough to need LED outdoor lighting at your house for the upcoming solar eclipse, how fun is it to talk about lighting when we experience near darkness in the middle of an August afternoon?

With our lighting control automation daytime darkness is not a problem, it will adjust so you are never left in the dark. Daytime use of your outdoor lighting is more often than you think. Heavy snow or thunderstorms can create very dark and hazardous conditions. Not to mention, during the winter, it is dark during the day, starting at about 5 PM.

At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Louisville, we hope the weather cooperates, and everyone gets a moment to take a peek at the solar eclipse. Happy eclipse watching!