Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Kansas City Change Location

As Part One Of Our Two Part Series We Explore What’S Behind The Basics Of Professional Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting can make your home look beautiful againWe are privileged to be the Kansas City’s premier outdoor lighting company since 2001. This has allowed us to meet many wonderful homeowners and business owners and collaborate with them in designing an outdoor lighting system that meets their specific needs. Part of this successful collaboration is addressing all the clients’ questions and concerns. Being in the business of outdoor lighting, often, the same questions will pop up. In an effort to keep our clients and prospective clients well-informed, we have compiled a series of stories based on the questions and answers to our most asked questions.

  • As part one of our series on the top ten (10) most asked questions about outdoor lighting, we explore and discuss the basics behind the best professional outdoor lighting in Kansas City:

#1)Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Kansas City on site evaluation Where is the best place to add lighting? This question comes up quite often. The answer is as simple as it is complicated because it takes the knowledge and experience of an outdoor lighting professional to truly answer. Part of our design process includes what is called a “property survey evaluation”. This involves a visit to your home or business by one of our talented outdoor lighting designers. During the evaluation, we discuss your “vision” of how you want your property to function and look in the evening. We then walk the property along with the homeowner, or business owner, taking into consideration any defining architectural elements, landscape elements, special outdoor living areas or areas where evening safety is a concern. We also make suggestions based on the nuances of your individual location.

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Kansas City nightime demonstration#2) What happens after the property evaluation survey? Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Kansas City then schedules installation of your system according to the design discussed during the property survey evaluation. Our design consultation is personalized and provided with no cost, or pressure. Our lighting fixtures, components and transformers come directly from the manufacturers and not through middle men. This allows us to use the highest quality outdoor lighting components, such as copper and cast brass, for the same price many companies are charging for aluminum lighting fixtures. Our professionally trained installers take special care in making sure your installation is everything you imaged, and more!


#3) Which is better, halogen or LED? Though preference is really a matter of choice LED outdoor lighting now serves as over 80% of our lighting installations and for a myriad of reasons. It is true that LED does cost a little more to install initially over halogen systems, but it is well-spent as the benefits of LED are numerous. LED is more energy-efficient, durable, long-lasting and eco-friendly than traditional outdoor lighting systems. Advances in recent years also prove that the color quality of today’s LED is just as warm and inviting as halogen. LED’s will pay for itself over time in the savings you recoup on energy costs too.

Repositioning your Kansas City outdoor lighting fixtures can make your home look beautiful again#4) If I have an existing halogen, or even incandescent system, do I have to start from scratch if I want to switch to LED? With all the emphasis on LED outdoor lighting you may feel as if you have “missed the boat”, because you currently have a traditional outdoor lighting system. The good news is in most scenarios it is very possible to convert your existing system over to an LED system rather than starting from scratch. This is what we call an LED conversion. This will save you more money in upfront costs and allow you to begin experiencing the benefits of LED sooner, and more easily, than you probably imagined. Your existing system must meet certain criteria in order to be a candidate for a conversion. Age and the condition of your existing fixture can influence whether a conversion is possible. One of our team members can inspect your existing system to see if conversion is viable. During our inspection we will inspect your existing fixtures and components such as wiring and transformers.Once your system is deemed fit we can proceed with the conversion. In the event you feel a full conversion is biting off more than you can chew at that time, we can also convert in stages. For example, converting the front of the home to LED, and coming in at a later date to convert the remainder of your system as your budget and lifestyle facilitates.

Path lights can be used in a variety of areas to create the mood and tone just #5) What is your warranty & what happens after the warranty? Over time, even the best electronic equipment can wear out or malfunction. When that happens, it’s good to know you have no-nonsense outdoor lighting warranty coverage to fix it or replace it at no cost. It’s also good to know you’ve got a national company with corporate support to take care of you. With this in mind, our outdoor lighting warranty coverage is as complete as it gets.

  • Lifetime warranty on transformer and copper and brass fixtures
  • 5-year warranty on LED bulbs and electronics
  • 2-year warranty on Lighting Control Automation (LCA)
  • 1-year warranty on halogen bulbs, digital timers, lens covers and commercial fixtures
  • We offer a lifetime warranty on fixtures and transformers

It doesn’t get any better than that — Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Kansas City is delivering the gold standard within our industry!

#6) Will you take care of my system once it is installed —- to be continued…

More questions? Contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Kansas City today to learn more about lighting that transforms your property and our superior service. Trust your outdoor lighting to outdoor lighting professionals.