Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Kansas City Change Location

The Things We See

Ever have a moment at work where a situation is just so mind-boggling, you are at a loss for words? Here at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Kansas City, we’ve had a few of these moments – on the way to the job site, at the site, and near it. Because more of our work is done on a client’s property rather than in the office, we get the opportunity to see many strange sights. To simplify, I’m going to group these recent strange sightings into three groups – Creative Packing, Spooky Wiring, and Nature Invades.


We snapped this shot on the way to a client’s home. I have arranged and rearranged to get more packed in my truck when going on vacation or moving. I have gotten so cramming too much into the bed of a trunkmuch shoved into it that unpacking made the vehicle look like magic. But never have I been able to pull off this much. I feel like this scene is out of a cartoon. Whoever packed it appears to have gotten a whole apartment in this truck and certainly wins the award for most stuff in a pickup.


Occasionally, we arrive to a job site and realize that neighbors could use some help with outdoor lighting. They could also use some electrical help, electrical tape really isn’t the dangerous landscape wiring splicedbest waterproofing and I don’t believe that these splices will pass any code, especially an electrical code.

This homeowner is apparently trying to be more energy efficient based on the light bulb, but this solution may not last very long if water gets to the bulb thru this home make fix. The overall look could also use some work, like replacing the fixture or globe, maybe?


Some times, animals pay us a visit on site, and while we have seen our share of dogs and cats, these animals are a little more atypical. They must have been curious Pot Belly Pig as a pet in someone's backyardabout what we were doing because a deer, snapping turtle, and potbelly pig came very close. They were not however interested in lending a hand.

Our final animal friend gave us quite a surprise while we were opening up a client’s transformer box for maintenance. No, that’s not cables or wiring. This black snake decided to call the transformer home. Of course, we had to evict him, but I bet the snapping turtle we saw could direct him to a new abode.

A day in the life of an outdoor lighting professional can be an adventure. Getting outside the office so much gives us the opportunity to see all the crazy sights Kansas City has to offer. For all your outdoor lighting needs, call us. Each job is an opportunity not only to create a beautiful look for your property but also to be entertained by the outside world.

If you have a family member or friend that has something outrageous in the back of their truck or home. Tell them to give the experts at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives a call!