Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Kansas City Change Location

The Best Holiday Lighting Plans In Kansas City Start At The Top

The holidays really are upon our doorstep with only 11 weeks until Christmas.  Most of us like to get though one holiday at a time before thinking ahead to the next, but when it comes to holiday outdoor lighting, planning is key.  To really be able to enjoy your holiday lighting, now is the time to make your plans and call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Kansas City.

Last week, we began talking about holiday lighting and the convenience of our turn-key outdoor lighting service.  We start with a custom design, installation, removal after the holidays and storage until next season.

But where do we start the whole process of our custom design?  Using our holiday design software and a photo of your home or business, we add the lighting and decor products of your choice.  A lot of homes and businesses in the Kansas City area like to start with roofline lighting.

Lighting on roof lines has been a holiday tradition for decades.  The clean, uniform look outlines the peaks and architectural features of your home or business.  A favorite type of lighting for this application is our C7 & C9 string lights.  These string lights are available with incandescent bulbs or LEDs.  The LEDs offer the same energy efficiency as our other outdoor lighting products and will save 90% of the energy of standard bulbs and last up to 20,000 hours. The incandescent or LEDs are both available with transparent or opaque bulbs in warm white or colored (red, green, blue, yellow or purple).

Another popular option is our Linkables lighting line.  With this line, you get the same clean, uniform look but the light strings have the added décor of snowflakes, icicles, holiday stockings, candy canes, ornaments, gift boxes and more.  Our Linkables roof line systems feature a patented locking gear that adjusts to any roof configurations so the lights will remain straight and balanced for that clean look.  These lights are constructed of commercial grade materials for long-lasting performance and are available in standard incandescent and LEDs.

Outlining your roof line with lighting can spread holiday cheer and can show your unique personality.  Let us design a custom display for your home or business.  It’s as easy as giving us a call.  With only 11 weeks left, you need to hurry.  Our holiday lighting appointments book quickly so be sure to give us a call today.