There are many reasons to invest in commercial outdoor lighting for your business. However, most business owners cite one of just a few practical reasons. Security, the safety of employees and clients, increased visibility from the street, and outdoor enjoyment for guests (namely in the hospitality industry) are easily the top three reasons for commercial outdoor lighting. While it might be tempting for a frugal business owner to have their maintenance team or landscape team install outdoor lighting, we recommend going with experts whose sole focus is outdoor lighting. Here is why:
Jacksonville Isn’t the Vegas Strip
Professionals will provide “just right” lighting. Very few businesses need super bright floodlights on their property. When you choose the professionals, the lighting will be subtly effective to create a beautiful scene first while achieving goals for safety and security second.
The Difference is in the Details
Consistent lighting color that is warm and pleasant is a hallmark detail of professional outdoor lighting. Cheap LED landscape lights can be harsh white lights. Even among the same fixtures, big box stores and their lighting manufacturers don’t always output consistent light temperatures. Mix in a variety of fixtures to light commercial property correctly, and it is highly likely the colors will vary.
Designer Outdoor Lighting
When you choose the pros, you’ll get the benefit of a premium outdoor lighting design. There are many lighting techniques like silhouetting, shadowing, grazing, and wall washing that result in a dynamic, three-dimensional nighttime scene. Our pros custom-design every project.
Customized Commercial Outdoor Lighting Solutions
All properties are different. While our wide variety of popular commercial outdoor lighting solutions meet most needs, sometimes there are unique challenges. With our extensive network of nationwide locations and deep relationships with lighting manufacturers, we can source custom-tailored solutions as needed.
Smart Lighting Integrations
Smart lighting integration is a must for today’s business owners. Every little thing that saves you time saves you money. Our team is knowledgeable in providing you the latest and most accessible smart controls to better manage your lighting system from anywhere.
Durable Fixtures with Excellent Longevity
Professional outdoor lighting companies offer durable solid copper and brass fixtures that are long-lasting. It is vital as a business owner to consider the lifetime cost of your investments. When it comes to outdoor lighting, the value is apparent when your lights last 10, 20, 30 years versus one to two years from a plastic light from the big box store.
Upgrade Existing Outdoor Lighting Systems to LED
LED retrofits can often provide huge savings in energy costs while utilizing your existing outdoor lighting system. A retrofit can be a cost-effective way to upgrade to energy-efficient LED without having to throw every element from your existing system in the dumpster. LED outdoor lighting utilizes 80% less energy than Halogen, making it an easy “yes,” especially for large commercial systems.
Keeping the Lights On
Ongoing commercial outdoor lighting service and maintenance are not generally offered by landscapers, electricians, and other service providers who “also install outdoor lights.” Maintenance certainly is not readily available for plastic lights from the big box store. At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Jacksonville, we offer maintenance packages as well as remaining available to you for any future needs. Just give us a call. Anytime.
If you’re considering commercial outdoor lighting for your business, we urge you to do it the right way at the outset and hire a dedicated outdoor lighting professional. At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Jacksonville, we are experienced in illuminating hotels, restaurants, HOAs, golf clubs, and more. Give us a call to learn more about how to get started on your commercial outdoor lighting project.