Hurricane Outdoor Lighting Maintenance in Jacksonville

palm treeEven the best landscape lighting fixtures with the best installation methods can’t be guaranteed not to suffer some damage or malfunction when mother nature is involved. Here in Jacksonville and Ponte Vedra, hurricanes are the biggest threat we face. When it comes to your outdoor lighting system, knowing what to do after a hurricane is an essential step in minimizing long-term damage and getting your system running normally again.

Post-Hurricane Outdoor Lighting Must-Do List

Every hurricane is different and brings with it a variety of damaging weather patterns. Our fixtures can withstand a little wind and rain and even be submerged in water. Our transformers are installed six to eight inches above the ground to avoid floodwater. But even with built-in precautions, we can’t prevent damage from the worst storms. While wind can cause debris to knock over lights, floodwater can erode dirt, exposing wires. Flooding can soften the ground, causing lights to float up and tip over, and if it reaches your transformer, it could damage it.

landscape lighting If you are expecting floodwater, it is a good idea to flip the breaker on the lighting system to ensure water and electricity do not collide. Once the hurricane is over, follow these maintenance checkpoints:

  1. If the power is out, call our team to check out your system before power is restored. An outdoor lighting system inspection can prevent electrical short and other mishaps when the power is restored.
  2. If floodwater reached your transformer, you must call us. It will not function with water damage.
  3. Once your outdoor lighting system is up and running again, take a careful walk around your property. During the day, look for exposed wires, damaged fixtures, or tipped over fixtures. At night, make a note of any light that is not on. What might look like a single fixture shorting out or needing a new bulb – could be a larger unseen issue. Our experts can help.
  4. Do not try to fix anything yourself. LED is low voltage, but without the know-how, you could damage your system further.
  5. Call our outdoor lighting experts for a check-up, adjustment, and repairs. We also offer annual maintenance plans, which are a great option for regular maintenance and upkeep – with or without a storm.

Call our team today if you have any questions about your lighting and an approaching hurricane or for fixing the damage after the storm has cleared.