Get Ahead of Changes in the Law by Switching to LED Lightbulbs Now


Five Reasons Changing to LED Lightbulbs Now Makes Sense

Many states have been busy passing laws that will completely phase out incandescent and halogen light bulbs in landscape lighting by the year 2020. While Florida has yet to pass this law, now is a good time to get ahead of the curve and upgrade the outdoor lighting at your Jacksonville home with energy-saving, long-lasting LED light bulbs. There are many great reasons to update your Jacksonville outdoor lighting and our professional technicians are happy to assist you with retrofitting your older lightbulbs. LED light bulbs are energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, affordable, and long-lasting. If you are ready to simplify your outdoor, pool, patio, path or landscape lighting, then give us a call at (904) 342-6040 or email us, we can help you start saving money and protecting our environment today!

we service other systems badge At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Jacksonville, we can also help you bring your lighting system into the modern age by offering controllers that allow you to use your smartphone to turn off or on your system no matter where you are. Whether updating your control system or finally making the switch to LED lighting, OLP Jacksonville is your one-stop-shop for the best outdoor lighting.

The Energy Savings are Real with Jacksonville LED Lighting

How efficient is LED lighting? The reality is LEDs are up to 75-80% more energy-efficient as compared to typical halogen and incandescent lightbulbs. To put that in perspective, a LED bulb can save you around $8 per month, per bulb. Over the course of the long life of an LED bulb, that can equal up to $1000 savings.

Jacksonville LED Lighting is Environmentally Friendly

When you throw away a fluorescent and CFL lightbulbs, you are throwing away highly toxic bits of mercury. Even worse, if you have one of these bulbs break in your lawn then you have these pieces of mercury to worry about when your children or pets are out in the lawn. Unlike CFLs and fluorescent bulbs, LED lighting does not have mercury in them, and they have helped reduce your waste from their incredibly long life span.

LED Lighting is Very Affordable

Many people automatically assume that LED lighting is very expensive. In fairness, when LED lighting was new on the market years ago it was very expensive. Now, the cost of LED lights is in the same ballpark as traditional CFL bulbs. With the lowered price of the bulb then it is a no-brainer when deciding to make the switch to LED.

LED Lighting Lasts an Incredible Amount of Time

An LED bulb lifespan is mind-blowing. A typical LED light can last around 40,000 hours. This means your LED light will still be around 15 years from now. Since there are no filaments as in a CFL bulb, a LED bulb can last around 25 times longer as compared to an older halogen bulb.

Making the switch to LED lighting a brilliant decision. It helps make maintenance a breeze while keeping your home beautiful at night while saving you money with lowered energy cost and lowered replacement costs. Learn more about retrofitting your current system or installing a new highly energy-efficient system by calling Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Jacksonville at (904) 342-6040 or email us.