Why Your Lighting Score Is the Key to Your Perfect Dublin, OH Landscape Lighting Design

Why Your Lighting Score Is the Key to Your Perfect Dublin, OH Landscape Lighting Design

Do you remember when you were in high school waiting to get back a test you were unsure of? You felt that anxiety in the pit of your stomach as you fidgeted in your seat while the teacher handed out everyone else's exam. An eternity later, she placed the test face down on your desk. You hesitatingly peeked under it to know your grade because you knew a bad one meant trouble at school—and home.

We promise your landscape lighting assessment score won't be such a stressful experience and that no one will yell if your score is low.

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Columbus' Lighting Assessment Score is a grade we use to sync your desired outdoor lighting experience with reality. Our goal is to let you know how your existing outdoor lighting system can be leaps and bounds better than what it is to serve your needs better.

It starts by scheduling an appointment with our technician. Our trained expert will come right on time and conduct a comprehensive three-point outdoor lighting system evaluation. Your score is based on:

  • The safety and security of your walkways for your family and guests, and if current lighting schemes are a burglar-deterrent
  • How your landscape lighting system performs overall, and its efficiency
  • If existing systems need to be repaired and adjusted for optimal lighting and aesthetics

But our experts won't just give you your score and leave you hanging. Technicians include a complete list of landscape lighting suggestions to increase your grade in all three categories based on what they observed and what you want for your Dublin, OH landscape lighting design.

When it comes to landscape lighting, the most important aspect is the effect the lighting has on your outdoor living areas and landscape. CallOutdoor Lighting Perspectives of Columbus at (614) 877-8937 or fill out our formhere. We look forward to hearing from you soon!