Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay Change Location

Spring Forward, But Don’t Fall Back, On Updating Your Outdoor Lighting Timer

It’s finally here. Spring is starting to peak through its sleepy eyes to usher in yet another glorious Clearwater and Tampa Bay season of outdoor living.

Incorporate your lighting into your overall landscape design

And since we’re gaining an hour of daylight with Daylight Savings Time, chances are you’ll be spending more time than ever in your lanai and on your patio.

That means there is absolutely no reason to cut your leisure and entertaining time short by having your outdoor lighting timer poop out on you. Our highly advanced professional outdoor lighting line of intelligent timers are the best in their class.

Advanced Professional Outdoor Lighting

It is very easy to upgrade to our new astronomical timer, so you will never ever have to worry about resetting it or calibrating on and off times.

Our state-of-the-art astronomical automatic timer for low voltage outdoor lighting systems is so smart, it knows every single day when dusk sets in and when the sun comes up.

Contact us today to schedule free consultation

In concert with nature, based on your latitude and longitude, our advanced timing system does all of that work for you, so you can just go about your business and never have to give it another thought.

This next generation of astronomical timers comes with a powerful and dependable battery backup, so even if your power goes out as it likely does on occasion, you have nothing to worry about. The timer works flawlessly, like a charm, all of the time.

If you should be familiar with them, our timers work just like an astronomical clock.

Astronomical Clocks, A Tale As Old As Time

We find that the history of these intelligent timekeeping marvels is truly interesting, especially when you consider how far forward the technology has progressed in our outdoor lighting systems since our founding.

clearwater advanced outdoor lighting timers

Astronomical clocks are timekeeping devices in the traditional sense. They were first used to calculate the position of the moon, sun and the stars in ancient Greece, around the 2nd century BCE.

The Middle Ages saw the popularity of clocks grow greatly and this included those that timed zodiacal events using crude mechanical techniques. In fact, they often required a much simpler (yet more reliable) sundial to readjust their timings.

But today, all of that is truly entertaining antiquity, as our advanced timers would truly amaze the timekeepers way back then.

Will I Ever Have To Replace The Backup Battery On My Outdoor Lighting Timer?

With our Annual Maintenance Plan – or AMP, as we refer to it – you will never have to be concerned with that.

Needed battery replacements for this timer will be part of our customer service AMP plan. And that is just one of the wonderful features our AMP delivers to our clients.

Outdoor Lighting Features And Outdoor Lighting Upgrades

Should your system be one of our earlier installations, you may be extremely interested in upgrading your lights, as well as your timer.

Tampa Bay outdoor lighting timers

Our new LED lights are the hit of Florida outdoor nightlife, illuminating the outdoor living areas of your neighbors throughout Clearwater and Tampa Bay – in addition to landscapes, gardens, pathways, and home exterior facades.

Outdoor Lighting Experts Are At Your Service

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater and Tampa Bay delivers professional results every time! Our experience, professionalism, and design expertise provide solutions to fit your home and property’s specific needs. Contact us today to learn more.

Robert Van de Putten owner olp clearwater and tampa bay

Robert van der Putten, owner Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay.