Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay Change Location

Outdoor Lighting In 2023 Must Now Produce More Light Using Less Energy – It’s The Law

The evolution of lighting technology on a grand scale started with then President, George W. Bush, in 2007 when he signed the Energy Independence and Security Act.Outdoor Lighting Perspectives

The first tier of standards took effect between 2012 and 2014 and officially phased out 60-watt incandescent bulbs.

The new standards will be effective in 2023 will require everyday light bulbs (called general service lamps) to use 65 percent less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs, but still deliver the same amount of light.

Most halogen products on the market today cannot meet that standard. That means there is major shift in progress to LED outdoor lighting products and a nearly complete phase out of halogen lighting products.

LED Outdoor Lighting Is The Future, And The Future Is Now

It seems fitting that on the heels of the Senate passing the historic new climate bill, LED outdoor lights continue to carve out a bigger territory in outdoor illumination. A significant part of this trend is tied to the technology’s drop in price, making them immensely more competitive.basketball court and driveway lighting

The other part of this trend? Energy efficiency. The long lifespans of LED outdoor lights, combined with their incredibly low energy usage rate, give them a corner on the energy efficient lighting market. There is simply no comparison to LEDs in terms of energy efficiency alone.

Using today’s LED technology as a benchmark, halogen lamps have almost nothing but disadvantages. LED outdoor lighting is much more economical with around 85% less power consumption than halogen lamps. LED lights also have a clear advantage in terms of durability as they will last between 15,000 – 50,000 hours.

LED Outdoor Lighting Lamps Are The Safer Alternative To Halogen

As a positive side effect of the low energy consumption, LED’s do not get hot. There is no risk of burns as with halogen lamps.Clearwater outdoor lighting service

Halogen lamps have a filament which generates the visible light in addition to the waste heat. The filament is very sensitive to shocks when switched on. LED outdoor lamps, on the other hand, are based on semiconductor technology and are shockproof and insensitive to vibrations. This is a particular advantage for adjustable or movable lights as is commonplace in many outdoor lighting and landscape lighting installations.

Who Do I Contact To Switch My Halogen Outdoor Lighting To LED?

The consummate outdoor lighting and landscape lighting experts at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater and Tampa are now scheduling halogen outdoor lighting system retrofits and upgrades to the new required standard in outdoor lighting – LED.St. Petersburg Residential Landscape

With anticipated demand for LED upgrades being very strong, you would be wise to schedule your switch out appointment now.

Adding to the time sensitivity of this mandated move for greater outdoor lighting efficiency is the fact that our holiday lighting and Christmas lighting installations will soon start taking place, so be sure to contact us as soon as possible for a complete overhaul of your outdoor lighting.

Outdoor Lighting Energy Efficiency Is The Law

Outdated halogen or non-existent outdoor lighting does not benefit any homeowner. A new LED outdoor lighting system brings your home out of the darkness to be a standout in the neighborhood and increases usability, safety, security, and functionality.

Clearwater Custom Outdoor Lighting

Perhaps you’ve tried to do-it-yourself with cheap solar lights that just don’t cut it, particularly as the days get shorter or on rainy days with little sun. You certainly can’t use them in areas under trees, either.

New LED outdoor lighting from Outdoor Lights Clearwater and Tampa is the only viable option for exterior illumination excellence and continued performance.

Contact Us Today, While Convenient LED Installation Dates Are Still Available Before The Holiday Season

Our team is currently installing LED outdoor lighting retrofits, upgrades and new systems throughout the greater Clearwater and Tampa area. Contact us at 727-513-3420 to reserve your date now.

Robert van der Putten, owner Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay.

Robert van der Putten, owner Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay.