Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay Change Location

Clearwater Outdoor Lighting Maintenance Gets Your System Ready for the New Year!

Get your end of year outdoor lighting annual maintenance and service NOW!

As we head into the holidays, it’s the perfect time to check the health of your landscape lighting system. Are you driving up to your home on a winter’s night and seeing your fixtures are sitting crooked? Dirty lens covers not giving you the full spectrum of available light? Maybe you’ve got exposed wiring or your timer isn’t turning your lights on at the right hour? Let Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay take care of all your St. Petersburg area landscape lighting repair needs thanks to our Annual Maintenance Service Plan.

Landscape Lighting

With guests arriving for Christmas and New Year’s, right now is the perfect time to give us a call so we can do everything you need to get your garden lights ready for the visitors. We can clip back your overgrown shrubbery blocking light from your fixtures, replace any burned out bulbs and put everything back in perfect working order for you. Our Annual Service Maintenance Plans come free for one year with every system we install, which is a great savings. BUT, you can purchase a maintenance plan at ANY TIME during the life of your outdoor landscape lighting system at a very reasonable price.

We Service Other Systems

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay will remove any headaches and worry you may have regarding your outdoor lighting system. We will protect your investment and keep everything in working order. Best of all, it doesn’t matter if we installed your system or someone else did. We service competitor systems all the time since we know not all of them offer annual maintenance plans. We’ve got you covered on a new or existing landscape lighting system no matter who installed it.

Ongoing annual maintenance helps prevent many of the problems homeowners face with outdoor lighting that cause difficulties. Landscape lighting works hard every evening to provide beauty, safety and security in your home, so be sure to give it a wellness check every year. No different than your car, heating and air unit or your water heater, your landscape lighting is an important mechanical system that needs care to keep everything working. Our Annual Service Maintenance Plan lets you easily address any issues with one phone call so that you can prevent problems and extend the life of your outdoor lighting system.

Path Lighting

Our Annual Maintenance Plan members get priority appointments and there are no additional service charges on repairs. We can replace or add fixtures as needed, repair and re-bury wire, inspect your timer and transformer, clean lenses and trim plant overgrowth and even tweak the effects of your illumination to list just a few of the benefits.

Person installing light

Book your pre-holiday outdoor lighting service right now to get your home holiday-ready and have everything in great working shape to kick off the new year. It’s the perfect time of year to repair, replace or add to your outdoor landscape lighting needs.

Let Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay service your St. Petersburg outdoor landscape lighting today! Call us today at (727) 513-3420 or email us at olpclearwater@outdoorlights.com to learn more!

Robert Van Der Putten of Outdoor Lighting Perspectives