Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay Change Location

Take A "Light" Out Of Crime With Clearwater & Tampa Bay Outdoor Lighting

Chances are you are familiar with McGruff the Crime Dog™ and his famous slogan for the Ad Council Take A Bite Out Of Crime. More than 25 years ago, the Ad Council introduced McGruff as a way for kids and adults alike to learn tips about preventing violence, crime and drugs. The well-known PSAs have inspired all citizens to get involved in building safer, more caring communities whose message still resonate today.


Exterior House Lighting

In much the same way the Ad Council’s campaign reminded people to take a Bite Out Of Crime, we want to remind residents of Clearwater, Tampa Bay and St. Petersburg to Take A Light Out Of Crime. Here at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay, we too believe in making local neighborhoods and communities safer and less vulnerable to crime. With this in mind, we want to make residents aware that strategically placed outdoor or landscape lighting will enhance the safety and security of your home. Outdoor lighting can reduce your risk of falling victim to a break-in by eliminating dark places where criminals can hide or enter and exit under the veil of night. Keep in mind, that intruders start on the outside before making their way inside your home to commit their mischievous deeds. Professionally designed and installed landscape lighting can ensure there is no place for them to lurk outside without being noticed.

Here are some startling statistics

  • 2,000,000 home burglaries are reported each year in the United States.
  • About 30% of all burglaries are through an open or unlocked window or door.
  • Nearly 66% of all burglaries are residential (home) break-ins.
  • The highest percentage of burglaries occur during the summer months.
  • In Clearwater, your chances of becoming a victim of property crime is 1 in 30 (Florida average is 1 in 37) according to data from Neighborhood Scout

This infographic shows the most common areas thieves target when entering residential homes:

Crime Statistics Infographic

Using outdoor lighting systems as a security measure is not a new idea. Four decades ago, a highly esteemed criminologist named C. Ray Jeffery promoted an idea he called Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. Jeffery discovered that certain design elements could lower the crime rates in an entire neighborhood as long as homeowners install them in the right locations. Unfortunately, CPTED was largely ignored during his time, but many reputable security professionals have applied his theories since then.

Path Lighting
— Your Clearwater, Tampa Bay or St. Pete’s business can also benefit from oudoor lighting for security!

In order for outdoor lighting to successfully deter crime, homeowners must carefully consider the true purpose of their outdoor lighting, including exactly how and where they are going to use it, in terms of an effective security measure. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay can help you decided which areas need illumination, we can also help determine where to strategically place the lights. We can also determine which type of fixture and light source will be best suited for your property.

Contact us today to learn more about adding outdoor lighting to your home or business — and how it will add beauty, comfort, and peace of mind!. You can reach us at (727) 513-3420 or email us at olpclearwater@outdoorlights.com.

Robert Van Der Putten of Outdoor Lighting Perspectives