Choosing the Right Holiday Lighting Display for Your Home

I know what you are thinking after reading this blog’s title. Christmas in July? It is way too early to be thinking about winter when it is 90 degrees outside and the forecast is far from snow. However, a lot of time and effort has to go into a holiday lighting design to ensure you achieve the right look.

Whether you are planning to simply decorate your house and lawn with a few lights here and there or wanting to go the full nine yards Griswald style, the correct lighting makes all the difference. Plenty of holiday lighting is tried and true such as twinkle lights, icicle lighting, festively lit trees and, of course, wreaths. This year, why not step out of your comfort zone and with a couple trending outdoor holiday lighting ideas.

While incandescent lighting used to be the go to in providing that warm, subtle glow that everyone loves, there is now a more energy-efficient option: LED.

House with Christmas Lights

LED lights come with many great environmental benefits. One main benefit would be the significant decrease in the amount of energy they use. Not only do they benefit the earth by using less natural resources and avoiding power plant pollution, but they also benefit your wallet too. Due to LED lights not having filaments like the incandescent bulbs, they won’t burn out like traditional bulbs or get too hot. That means they will be more durable and last longer so you won’t have to worry each year about that one light that makes the whole strand go out.

Bright colored lights are also great for cheerful holiday displays. Using your natural landscape, such as bushes and trees, ensures that your home will have that vibrant look without being over the top or hard on the eye. Of course the classic white lights around beautiful greenery, like garland that frames your home and full wreaths that hang from the windows, adds a nice touch and gives the home that classic holiday feel. Try framing your home this year with beautifully lit garland to really make your house pop.

Man installing Christmas LightsWhen you are thinking about what type of design you are wanting to install, keep in mind your own taste and what would look good on your house. Don’t just follow the trends. Each home is different and not all displays will match the look and feel of your home. If you don’t want to go through all the trouble or simply do not have the time, we recommend sticking to the basics or hiring a professional to create a display for you.

Even though most people tend to enjoy the beauty of holiday lighting, homeowners tend to get discouraged or overwhelmed about the process itself. You can have all the holiday cheer and eggnog in the world and, still, untangling lights and standing on wobbly ladders will seem like a job rather than an enjoyment. The worst part is, once they are up and shining bright, it feels as thought the season comes to a close all too fast and the process of taking them down begins.

If you are looking to have the lighting display that will make your home admired by all who walk or drive by without all the stress and hassle, choose Outdoor Lighting Perspectives to do all the hard work for you. You will get the holiday lighting of your dreams without the battle that comes with having to unravel tangled balls of lights or dig out crumpled bows you shoved up in the attic the previous year.

We take the time to design, set up, take down and store your lighting so you don’t have to lift a finger. So sit back and enjoy that eggnog with your family and friends. Call us today and get on our schedule before it is too late. To set up a consultation and get the ball rolling, call (423)-710-8645