Spring is in the Air

Spring is almost here! With longer days and warmer weather, the flower buds are starting to appear and the greenery is beginning to show signs of growth. Chattanoogans are ready to be back outside enjoying the sunshine and smelling the fresh air. This is the perfect time to begin thinking about your landscape and garden areas and what improvements can be made before the official planting begins.

Without all the greenery, it is much easier to evaluate the perfect placement for your new garden elements and add-ons you may not have had last year. The same goes for outdoor lighting. Spring is a great time to install garden lighting and plan which areas of the yard you would like to illuminate and have on display once the sun goes down.

Considering the amount of time you put into tending and gently nurturing your garden, all that hard work should not go unnoticed. Bring attention to your exquisite design and showcase it the way it is meant to be seen. Don’t just enjoy your garden in the mornings and on the weekends. If you love your pansies and snapdragons, the perfect light at just the right height and angle will make sure you see them no matter where you are standing in your yard. Each fixture is carefully placed to ensure no part of your garden goes unnoticed.

Gardens aren’t the only places where flowers bloom and plants flourish. If your rose bushes are your favorite element around your pool area, the proper lighting will guarantee each bush is well-lit and able to be enjoyed during a late night swim or relaxing evening on the porch. Many of you have special features at your home that are important to you such as a fountain, statue, arbor or pond. These unique structures make a great addition .

If you are looking to start your spring landscaping and would like us to help you design the perfect, stunning outdoor lighting display, call us today (423) 445-0426 for a free nighttime lighting demonstration. Check out our website for examples of each type of lighting we have to offer.