OLP Charlotte, Featured by Redfin

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charlotte, Featured by Redfin

Redfin featured Outdoor Lighting Perspectives as an expert in their recent article: How to Choose Timeless Home Improvements and Upgrades That Won’t Go Out of Style | Redfin

"Something that never goes out of season or style is outdoor lighting. From curb appeal up-lighting that illuminates the property to path-way lighting and outdoor living space lighting that accents specific features on the property, outdoor lighting provides brilliant options all year long. Custom-designed outdoor lighting systems not only enhance the beauty of the property all year, but can provide a sense of safety & security. – Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charlotte, NC, transforming your outdoor space into a captivating nighttime display with low-voltage exterior lighting." – Julia Weaver, Redfin

Charlotte's Premier Outdoor Lighting Installation Experts

Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charlotte is proud to serve the greater Charlotte area, providing lighting to boost curb appeal, highlight the accents of your backyard landscape, and bring your home to life at night.

Contact us online to schedule a complimentary design consultation or call (704) 703-7329 today.