Don't make Charlotte landscape lighting an afterthought to your landscape additions


outdoor landscape lighting at night Fall is the time of year when our minds are on planning and installing new landscape materials. The mild temperatures and winter ahead will give your new specimens time to develop a strong root system and thrive. Whether it is an extensive landscape addition, a flower-lined path or adding trees to your landscape, outdoor lighting can improve the benefits and enjoyment. Many times, homeowners consider the addition of landscape lighting after a landscape renovation is completed, as an afterthought. When it comes to a new addition to your yard, it is critical to remember the inclusion of outdoor lighting into the scope of your project. Bringing in a lighting expert early into the design plan, allows for much greater flexibility on what kind of lighting options you may have available to use.

outdoor lighting on tree at night It is a common misconception that many Charlotte area residents assume spring is the ideal season for planting, when in truth, many trees and shrub specimens respond better when planting during the cooler months because it reduces stress on new plantings and makes them more likely to establish successfully in order to thrive in the future. Here in the Southeast, cooler temperatures and lowered humidity make fall and winter the best times to move ahead with many landscaping projects. This includes the addition of outdoor lighting to the landscape!

Landscape lighting is an investment in your home. It adds beauty, yes, but also value. Professional lighting can show off your home’s architecture, beautiful façade and also the design and specimens used within the landscape itself. Why leave your landscaping in the dark when you can let others also enjoy the gorgeous trees lit up on your property or the bountiful blooms earned from hours spent working in the garden. On dark, winter nights, landscape lighting will bathe your home and property in beautiful lighting that creates a warm and inviting atmosphere. Large trees, meticulous shrubbery and even the architectural details of your home are all on full display for everyone to enjoy.

Landscape lighting also aids in a more secure home because the veil of darkness is lifted making your home less tantalizing to would-be criminals. Burglars typically decide which homes would make good candidates from the vantage point of the street looking for accessible homes that allow easy entry and exit. Criminals are more likely to target a home that cannot be observed by neighbors or a passersby. If your home and landscape is well-lit, criminals are more likely to pass it by, since an attempted break-in on your property would require them to step into the light, leaving them vulnerable and exposed. No more dark hedges or shrubs under windows.

charlotte architectual lighting on beautiful home

From a safety perspective, the addition of landscape lighting improves safety for you, your family and the guests who frequent your property at night. Whether it is a quick trip to the the mailbox or walking the dog, landscape lighting will ensure the areas you frequent in the evening are visible and safe for eased travel and enjoyment.

uplighting on side yard fences

If you are thinking of adding to or renovating your landscape, front or back, don’t wait until the last minute to contact your lighting designer thinking we can just come in at the end and work around everything your landscape architect has already done. It makes more sense to bring us in at the very early stages so that we can work in tandem with your architect or designer to install wiring and conduit pipe in right at the beginning planning stages. We can locate transformers and figure out where fixtures need to go so that you can illuminate special features you’d like to include. We have worked with countless local landscape designers, and we can easily integrate our working plans with theirs so that you can see it all come together in one cohesive manner. Of course, we have also come in after the fact countless times as well, so don’t fret if you overlooked lighting options earlier. We can make it work no matter what.

Contact Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charlotte today to learn more about our timeless landscape lighting designs! You can reach us at (704) 703-7329 or