It's Time to Call Your Outdoor Security Lighting Installer in Charleston SC

If you haven’t considered outdoor lighting as a security feature at your home or business, you should. We feel strongly about this, so when you schedule a lighting design consultation with Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston, we will suggest you include security lighting in your outdoor lighting design plan.

Every home and business is unique, so our specific recommendations for security lighting will be tailored to your location.

Patio Lighting before and afters

Can Outdoor Lighting Design Enhance Your Home’s Beauty and Also Increase Security?

Yes. The good news is that we can include security lighting in the outdoor lighting plan we create to enhance the beauty of your landscaping and your home’s façade at night. The same energy-efficient LED outdoor light fixtures can be used for both purposes simultaneously.

That doesn’t mean that any and all outdoor lighting will automatically increase security at your home or business. What it means is that when we design an outdoor lighting plan for you, we can place some of the fixtures specifically in a position to serve as a deterrent to crime. The placement and angle of these fixtures will make the difference. Our objective will be to erase dark areas where would-be intruders could hide and enter your home unseen. These photos show the difference security lighting can make:

Indoor/Outdoor Patio Lighting before and afters

Statistically, a well-illuminated home is less likely to be targeted by intruders than other homes on the same street. If this is one of your goals for outdoor lighting, we won’t just make sure your home is well-illuminated. We will pay close attention to eliminating pockets of darkness around potential entrance points. Do the following photos tell the story?

Front of a home that is not lit (Before)

Front of a home that has lighting (After)

Do You Need a Special Outdoor Security Lighting Installer in Charleston SC?

We could answer that question in two ways. Yes, and no.

Yes: You do need to select an outdoor lighting company that specializes in security lighting. You need to choose a company that is completely devoted to outdoor lighting, not one that provides lighting as a sideline. For example, we don’t recommend you choose a landscaping company to provide your security lighting. They specialize in plants, landscape design and maintenance, not lighting. Lighting would be a side job for that company. At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston, professional outdoor lighting is all we do.

No: You don’t need to search for a lighting company that only provides security lighting and no other kind of outdoor lighting services. That’s a little too specialized. What you want is a company like Outdoor Lighting Perspectives that provides a full range of outdoor lighting services, including security lighting. Here are some more examples of our work:

Outdoor Pool Lighting before and afters

We take this aspect of our job very seriously. When we meet with you for an outdoor lighting consultation, we will ask if you want to incorporate security lighting into your lighting design. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston is your outdoor security lighting installer in Charleston SC.

To find out how Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston can bring added security and curb appeal to your Charleston home, call us today at (843) 874-6794. We look forward to hearing from you soon!