Decks and Docks in Mount Pleasant SC Are Equally in Need of Outdoor Lighting

Whether your Mount Pleasant SC home has a deck, or a dock, or both you need to find a good deck and dock lighting company for two reasons: safety and beauty. There is a certain outdoor lighting company we can recommend for the job: Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston. Yes, that is us.

Dock with lighting and view of homes

We are unmatched for deck and dock lighting, and equally adept at both. If you have both a deck and a dock, what better idea than to have outdoor lighting installed for them both at the same time? They will match! (If you are a man, ask your wife or significant other about this.) Seriously, it makes so much sense to have one professional outdoor lighting designer come out to your property and design a lighting plan for your deck and your dock at the same time. They will match. Having different lighting styles designed for these two destinations at your home would not be good.

Now that we have that question settled, let’s look at the two biggest reasons to install deck and dock lighting at your Mount Pleasant home: safety and beauty.

Safety Matters – On the Deck and On the Dock

When you hear about deck safety, it’s often in the context of decks crashing to the ground, but assuming you have a well-built deck, let’s look at another kind of deck safety. The most dangerous place on a deck can be the stairs. Having a deck without stair lighting is practically negligent. If integrated stair lighting was not included with your deck when it was built, we can add tiny LED lights on stair risers. These little, energy-efficient lights will make all the difference in keeping your family and guests safe on your deck stairs.

Beautifully lit dock leading out to a lake

Lights on the dock are just as important for safety, if not more so. It gets mighty dark out on the water around Mount Pleasant at night, which makes your dock mighty dark, too. What comes to mind for some people when they think of dock lighting is that single light on a pole at the end of the dock. You can do much better than that! And you will, when you call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston to add dock lighting. It won’t be a one-size-fits-all job, either. We will custom-design a lighting plan for your dock with safety in mind. There is no reason why one part of your dock should be safer than another. Evenly-spaced lights will treat each section of your dock with respect.

Beauty Enhances Your Outdoor Living Experience

When we talked about adding lights to stair risers for deck safety, we didn’t mean for you to stop there. Safety is great; we want to increase your safety on the deck. But what about the ambiance? What about the way subtle deck lighting can add hours of good “deck time”? What about the way deck lighting can cast a spell over your deck, removing it from reality so it’s a place to go and forget the cares of the world? If you have trees over or around your deck, let’s not leave them out. The beauty of elegant landscape lighting in trees and shrubs around your deck is one of the finer experiences of Mount Pleasant living.

If you live on the water when the sun sets it takes your dock with it … if you don’t have dock lighting. Flip the switch to illuminate the dock and _wow, suddenly you’re in a whole different place. Whether you’re actually out on the dock or back on shore looking out, illumination along a dock shifts it into another dimension – a beautiful one. We’re not talking about lights that are visible from outer space, though. Because a little lighting reflected on the water can be plenty, our outdoor lighting designers are conservative when it comes to dock lighting. We want to enhance your outdoor experience. We want your view of the dock to be stunning.

Pool and deck with lounge chairs, all lit by special lighting

Your deck and dock lighting company in Mount Pleasant SC

As we mentioned at the top, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston is the preferred deck and dock lighting company in Mount Pleasant SC. If you need to be convinced, just look at our customers’ reviews here. We know this area. We know the Lowcountry, its specific vegetation and how to install outdoor lighting here to greatest effect. You can do no better in Mount Pleasant than Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston.

To find out how Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston can bring elegant illumination to your Mount Pleasant SC deck or dock, call us today at (843) 874-6794. We look forward to hearing from you soon!