Hello, Over Here … We’ve Found Your Tree Lighting Company in Mount Pleasant SC!

If you have trees on your Mount Pleasant, SC, property, we have the lights to show them off. Do you love trees? Some people do love trees, while to others, that may sound like a silly question. Here at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston, we love trees, especially when they are illuminated at night.

If you haven’t seen your home’s trees enhanced by the glow of landscape lighting at night, you are in for a wonderful surprise. Trees can be beautiful in the daylight, but they can also blend in with all of the background scenery. You may walk or drive past your trees every day and rarely notice them.

Home and trees with special lighting

But at night? Wow! A tree with the correct landscape lighting at night is not just magical, it’s mystical.

Tree lighting is a specialized kind of landscape lighting, and it’s one of our favorite things about the work we do. Our professional lighting designers are artists using light, and nowhere is it more evident than in tree lighting, especially in the beautiful trees throughout the Mount Pleasant area.

The Process of Tree Lighting at your Mount Pleasant SC Home

The first thing you need to know is that we won’t create your landscape lighting plan without you. What we mean by that is it’s important for us to know what trees you want to illuminate. Our lighting designer will create a custom design for lighting the trees in your yard, and we want to know which are your favorites.

Our outdoor lighting designers know that a little bit of light can often be enough to create the desired effect. We are not in favor of lighting every tree in your landscape. Your tree lighting will be most effective if together we select a handful of trees to illuminate. It’s hard to put an exact number on that without seeing your property first. We’ll combine your favorites with our experience at spotting the trees we can light most effectively. Together we’ll come up with the best lighting plan for your property. Sometimes there is one focal tree that cannot be ignored. In that case, we may step down the lighting for other trees so we won’t draw attention away from that focal tree. Every yard is different!

Please Leave Lighting Design to the Professionals!

While you can purchase outdoor lighting equipment at a home improvement store, most homeowners don’t have the skill or experience with outdoor lighting to make that purchase a good investment. Unless you have talent and training for landscape lighting, leave the tree illumination to the professionals at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston. We are experts at creating intrigue by using just the right equipment for lighting each tree selected for your lighting design. We know which light fixtures to use on which trees, and we are skilled at making sure you notice the effects of the light rather than the light source itself.

Various Styles of Tree Lighting in Our Toolbox

Using the right lighting techniques allows our lighting designers to highlight trees that might not stand out during the day. Here are a few of our lighting techniques.

Home, driveway and front yard with special lighting

Uplighting is probably the most frequently used style of tree lighting and is best for taller trees. We may choose to highlight the trunk of a grand tree if it is especially interesting, as many are! For lower trees, we might use uplighting to illuminate a tree’s canopy to bring the tree out of hiding and create drama.

Moonlighting is one of our favorite techniques, and it’s effective in taller trees. We actually go up into the tree and install light fixtures aimed down through the branches to the ground below. The effect is that of natural moonlight shining down through the tree. With moonlighting brought to your Mount Pleasant home, courtesy of Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston, you can have a full moon every night.

Other tree lighting techniques include Silhouetting and Shadowing which involve moving the placement of light fixtures either behind or in front of a tree. We use these techniques sparingly and only where they will be especially effective.

We don’t want to give away all of our trade secrets! Let’s just say that our job is to amaze you with the beautiful effects of tree lighting at your home, and we take that job seriously. Don’t be surprised if your neighbors call us, too, after they see how beautiful your tree lighting turns out.

Ground level view of palm tree with landscape lighting

We Want to be Your Tree Lighting Company in Mount Pleasant SC

Call us to come meet with you for a free outdoor lighting consultation, and let us design a tree lighting display that will transform your property each night. You’ll be amazed at what we can do since we work during the daylight hours. Once your lights have been installed, we’ll come back after dark to make sure we have achieved the desired effects. If not, we’ll make the necessary adjustments. We believe you’ll agree there is no better tree lighting company in Mount Pleasant SC.

To find out how Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston can bring added depth and texture to your trees all year long, even when the sun goes down, call us today at (843) 874-6794. We look forward to hearing from you soon!