Let the Mystique of Tree Lighting Elevate Your Charleston Landscape Each Night

How many beautiful trees on your Charleston property would you choose to highlight with landscape lighting? When it comes to creating a lighting design for your trees, we’re not trying to make trees more beautiful. We focus on trees that are already beautiful and accentuate them through the special outdoor lighting techniques. Illuminating the trunk of a tall tree draws attention to how grand and towering it is, which may be in contrast to other nearby trees. Illuminating the canopy of a tree with a wide, beautiful crown accentuates its reach over other nearby plants.

Large tree lit against a pitch black night

When we say that outdoor lighting enhances the beauty of your landscape, we’re referring to the overall effect of lighting several points throughout the yard. Think of your yard like a shadow box. Some figures are in the foreground, some are in the middle and some in the background. Lighting trees at various distances from the viewer adds depth and dimension to a landscape that would otherwise go flat after dark.

Follow Us to the Best Palm Tree Lighting Company in Charleston, SC

Around Charleston, we have more than a few species of palm trees. Some are taller, upright, and some shorter ones are known as shrub palms. Examples of palms in our area are the Palmetto palm, Windmill palm, Sago palm (not a true palm), Saw palmetto, Canary palm, Fan palm and Sabal Minor.

Palm tree with lighting

Each palmetto and palm tree is absolutely beautiful. How do you choose which ones to light? That’s where your professional outdoor lighting designer comes in. We have done this before and have years of experience. When your lighting designer visits your property, he or she will make recommendations regarding which trees to illuminate for the best effect. While each tree is beautiful in its own right, we are also looking for the overall impact of lighting a select number of trees on your property based on their location.

The only palm tree lighting company in Charleston, SC, you want to call is Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston. We know palm trees. We know Charleston landscapes. We are true professionals when it comes to knowing what to illuminate and how to bring out the best of every palm tree upon which we focus. Do not take our title, “lighting designer,” lightly. That would be like comparing a tourist with a point-and-click camera to a professional photographer. The end result of our work is art.

Illuminating the Majesty of Charleston’s Live Oaks

Another signature tree in the Charleston area is the Live Oak. Each tree has a unique character developed over centuries of growth in the humid breezes coming off of the rivers. That character is heightened by Spanish moss draping the branches of many Live Oak trees and projecting an aura of mystery. In the darkness, these trees may seem spooky to some. With gentle lighting, the trees no longer seem so spooky.

Home with many trees all lit with special lighting

Moonlighting is the name for one of our most popular tree lighting techniques, and this is used to stunning effect in a live oak tree. We use our tallest ladders to reach up into the tree and install lights that shine down through the branches and leaves. At night this creates a mottled pattern of light and shadow below. If you can imagine a full moon shining down through your signature tree every night of the year, you have captured the essence of moonlighting.

What lighting techniques will work best with the trees in your yard? Work with the professionals. As your Charleston outdoor lighting specialists, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives will not disappoint.

To find out how Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Charleston can bring elegant illumination to your legacy oaks and illustrious palm trees after dark, call us today at (843) 874-6794. We look forward to hearing from you soon!