Augusta LED Outdoor
Lighting Fixtures
Until very recently, LED lights were not suitable for outdoor lighting applications. The directional capabilities and color rendering were not pleasing, making the installations look substandard.
Although plenty of older-technology LED lights are still sold today, new, technologically advanced LEDs from Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Augusta are now available–and they resolve all the performance problems of the older model LED lighting.
Patent-pending technology increases the LED “bulb” life
The LED lights you’ll receive from Outdoor Lighting Perspectives
of Augusta are longer lived and more flexible than competing models on
the market. Our patent-pending technology separates the electronics from
the light source, reducing the heat and extending its already long life.
Among the few changeable LEDs available
For most LED outdoor light fixtures, once the LED surpasses its functional
life, the entire fixture had to be discarded. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives
of Augusta’s LED bulbs are replaceable in our fixtures. If you need
to change the LED–or decide you need a broader or narrower light
beam–you simply switch the “bulb”, not the entire fixture.
For the best Augusta LED outdoor lighting and LED landscape lighting design, installation and service call Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Augusta today at (706) 690-4326!