Most business owners know that the key to a successful business is reducing costs and increasing profits, while maintaining high-quality standards. Many companies spend mega-bucks to advertise the high-quality of their brand, products, or services. While many business owners strategically think through what their place of business (shop, office, restaurant, etc) says about them as a company, many neglect to consider how their place of business looks at night. No lighting, or worse, bad lighting, has an impact on their way your customers feel and experience your business brand. My thesis is simple – there is a high cost to bad commercial lighting…but we can help you fix that.

What does your place of business look like at night?The top three high costs of bad commercial lighting (and how we can help).

Great outdoor lighting makes your customers feel safe while enhancing the beauty and appeal of your business property1. Bad commercial lighting can make your customers feel less safe. This first point is rooted in common sense: when your business property is unlit or poorly lit, your customers feel less safe visiting your place of business at night. Even if your company does not have nighttime hours, evenings come pretty early for half the year (Look outside at 6:00 today and see what I mean). Regardless, it is safe to assume that when your customers feel less safe, they will visit your place of business less. Less customers typically means less sales, which means less revenue. Many business owners have not considered the high cost that bad lighting can have on their bottom line.
Great commercial lighting not only makes your business look beautiful and appealing, it also helps your customers feel safer. When people feel comfortable, they are more likely to visit, stay longer, and give greater attention to the products and services you are offering. Our lights can help you create that beautiful, inviting, and secure environment you want for your customers and employees.

We can help your signage become an elegant landmark for thousands of people as they travel by every night.2. Bad commercial lighting means that your business goes unnoticed. I made this point last week, but I think it bears repeating – next time you are driving home at night, look around and see what gets your attention. Where is your eye drawn? What signs do you see? How many of those signs are familiar to you…how many do you use as landmarks on your travels? I think you get the point – darkness is the great equalizer of commercial real estate as all business are hidden from sight at night…except the ones that make an effort to stand out.

Great commercial outdoor lighting helps your business stand out at nightGreat commercial lighting helps your business stand out at night. Because many commercial signs and buildings are not illuminated at night, the illuminated signs really stand out. The evening hours are a great marketing opportunity, and outdoor lighting can be a great marketing tool for your business. Remember, the key to successful advertising is consistency, and great commercial lighting makes your business stand out at night. With the right lighting, your signs and buildings can become a landmark for thousands of potential customers as they travel by every night.

Consider: how does outdoor lighting impact your impression of this building and the business brand it represents?3. Bad commercial lighting damages your business brand. Successful companies spend lots of money to “curate their brand”, and know that bad press, negative reviews, or subpar products/services can hurt the image they are trying hard to build. What does bad lighting (“hot spots”, “dark patches”, harsh 110v floodlights) say about your business brand? Is this the message your want to send? Cheap lighting that is poorly designed, or lighting that works infrequently, is a problem. Harsh high voltage lighting can communicate a lack of style or elegance. Sloppy lighting can inadvertently send the wrong message about the business brand you have worked hard to build.
Our brand is ‘warm, elegant, and inviting’ and is why OLP is the business of choice for many of the CSRA’s premier commercial propertiesOn the other hand, great commercial lighting enhances your brand. Our signature style, our ‘brand’, is often described as ‘warm, elegant, and inviting’. This is why Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Augusta and Lake Oconee is the commercial outdoor lighting company of choice for many of the premier hotels, restaurants, office buildings, medical practices, neighborhoods, golf courses, and stores in/across the CSRA. We have the experience, artistry, skills, and custom products to compliment and enhance the presence of your brand.
If you are ready to work with us to design a lighting design that will highlight the defining features your brand and business at night, or just have some questions you want to ask, you can reach us at (706) 690-4326 in Augusta / Aiken or (706) 484-9711 in Lake Oconee / Athens. If you would like some more examples of our work, you can also visit our website to look through some of our favorite Augusta outdoor lighting pics.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Pat Otis, President
Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Augusta
Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Lake Oconee