Today was a great day at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Augusta and Lake Oconee. I’ve said it many times before – May is my favorite month of the year. The flowers are blooming, local produce fills store bins, and the weather is almost perfect.
It is days like today that make me grateful to be working outside with my hands. Not only was the weather beautiful, but my crew also finished setting up some lighting for a really fantastic local event – Historic Augusta’s Cotton Ball.

We Are Proud to be Lighting Historic Augusta’sCotton Ball 2013What Is The Cotton Ball? Since 1988, the Cotton Ball is an annual tradition of Historic Augusta, Inc. Historic Augusta is an important local organization whose mission is to preserve some of our city’s most important and historic landmarks.
Where Is It Held?– The casual affair will take place in the gardens surrounding the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond John Doumar, located at 2644 Henry Street. The Doumar’s home was originally built in 1917 by architect Henry Ten Eyck Wendell, who designed many of the finest homes that were built in Augusta in the early 20th century. The Doumars are also long time clients of ours, and we are very proud to have done the lights for this party, as well as the lights for their house and their incredible backyard.
When Is It Happening? This Thursday, May 16th from 6:30-9:30pm.
How Much Does It Cost? The Cotton Ball is free with a membership to Historic Augusta, Inc. Not a member? No sweat, membership rates are very reasonable – just $50 for an individual and $85 for a couple. Again, all proceeds go to Historic Augusta and their mission of local preservation.

Our Lights Create an Elegant Atmosphere for Your Parties and EventsWhy Should I Go? This will be wonderful opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal from Outback Steakhouse, refreshing drinks (Mint Julep, anyone?), and great music from a local group, The Unmentionables. You can also enjoy mingling in the beautiful May weather and in the warm glow of this beautiful home. For more information, check out Historic Augusta’s website.
Do you have an evening event coming up soon? No worries, we can help. In addition to residential and commercial lighting, we also specialize in event lighting. Whether it be weddings, special events (The Blue Jean Ball), festivals (Sacred Heart Garden Festival), or even private dinner parties, discerning customers know how a few of our lights can make a huge difference for their event.

Evening Weddings Come Alive with Our LightsIf you like what you see at the Cotton Ball, or if you just want to see what our lights can do for your next evening event, please contact us today. Send us an email, or call us at (706) 690-4326 in Augusta/Aiken or (706) 484-9711 in Athens/Lake Oconee. We would be happy to meet you for a free consultation or nighttime demonstration.
Hope to see you at the Cotton Ball,
Pat Otis, President
Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Augusta
Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Lake Oconee