Can I Have Landscape Lighting Installed in Winter? Bringing Warmth to Exteriors During Cold Weather

It is a common misconception that any major renovation project, such as landscape lighting installation, must wait until the spring months to be completed. On the contrary, if you live in the Atlanta northeast area, you will likely experience perfectly comfortable and even enjoyable weather after the winter solstice on December 21st.

winter homes

If you’ve lived in the south for any period of time, you understand that we don’t do winter well. On the rare occasion that snow does fly, we make the most of it—but it’s not necessarily what we’re used to. It’s certainly not ideal.

Fortunately, we rarely encounter the dreaded white stuff here in northeast Atlanta, making it perfectly reasonable to dive into that outdoor lighting project you’ve been considering. There’s no need to put it off until April or May.

If you’ve been resistant to the idea of getting a contractor on your property during the frigid months, let us convince you of a few reasons why you should absolutely take advantage of the colder season to hire an experienced and reputable local lighting installation team.

Spruce Up Your Exteriors and Your Way of Life

While we in the North Atlanta area—and across most of the south--are fortunate enough to experience a pleasantly warm climate all year round, we are not immune to the dreary months of January and February. With more cloud cover and longer nights, the winter can feel long.

Many individuals report feeling sluggish during this time of year, finding it challenging to get back into the swing of things after the cozy, simple joys of the holidays. It’s hard to shake off the few weeks of relaxation and family time and jump right back into work, household projects, and helping the kids with homework.

There is statistical evidence to suggest that across the Western hemisphere, rates of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) rise during the winter months. Lighting is a great way to encourage feelings of positivity, joy, and peace in the stretch of time between the holidays and the first signs of spring.

Finding an Atlanta Landscape Lighting Company: Landscape Lighting Installation for Functionality and Aesthetics

winter landscapeLandscape lighting installation is a technical outdoor renovation procedure that requires skilled craftsmanship, understanding of wiring, and other complicated processes. If you are searching for an Atlanta landscape lighting company to bring your vision to life, you should look for a team with a reputation of longevity and practical skill, but don’t forget the importance of design excellence.

Particularly when a team is installing during the winter months, they must use their imagination to figure out how a lighting display will look in every season: from the cold and wet winter to the sweltering hot Georgia summer.

Furthermore, every homeowner’s landscape design is unique. It is crucial that you find a professional, skilled, and reputable team of contractors with the ability to work with your specific vision.

If you live in the northeast Atlanta area and you’re ready to get a head start on your own landscape lighting project before the flowers bloom, give us a call, and we’ll arrange a design consultation. Winter is our least busy season, so you’re likely to get an appointment faster so you can light up the night sooner! Call today!