Trick or Treat, Protect My Feet, Give Me Path Lights so I Can See: 4 Benefits of Path Lighting for Fall’s Festive Fun

Do you celebrate the transformation from late summer’s sweltering heat to autumn’s crisp mornings? If you love fall in North Atlanta, you quite likely have plenty of outdoor plans to take advantage of the more comfortable climate. But what you might be forgetting is that despite the gorgeous weather, the sun is beginning to set earlier and earlier. Make sure your plans for fall outdoor fun are not limited by the setting sun – by adding gorgeous path lighting to your property.

When you choose the experts at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives, you’ll enjoy a customized outdoor lighting design that takes into account all your outdoor plans. From highlighting your autumn décor to making your property safe for trick-or-treaters, check out the top benefits of adding path lighting to your fall landscape.

Four Fabulous Benefits of Path Lighting for Fall

Front Yard Visibility

Atlanta Outdoor Lighting InstallationDuring the fall season, you may have guests and visitors arriving at your home well after dark. In fact, probably one of the busiest evenings your front porch will experience all year comes with trick-or-treaters on Halloween. Install path lighting with help from the pros to make sure your visitors have clear visibility for each and every step, to keep them safe, and to lower your liability risk. Bonus: you can enjoy a better view of all the creative costumes as they approach.


I realize football season doesn’t necessarily take place outdoors, but we urge you to consider these scenarios. When the Falcons have a prime time game, you may have a few friends coming and going during the game – make that a safe arrival and departure with sidewalk lighting.

If you’re hosting a football viewing party, and the weather is good, as it is often is during the season – host the party on the patio! With path lighting around your patio and landscape, you can host an amazing outdoor football viewing party throughout the majority of the season.

Even if you like to watch Monday night football in peace and quiet, there will inevitably be a forgotten jar of salsa or dinner delivery sometime during the game or at half time. Make sure your sidewalks, driveways, and front entry are well illuminated for safety.

Pumpkins, Cornstalks, and Goblins, Oh My!

Adorning your home with fall seasonal décor has become almost as big as holiday lighting. If you love to add pumpkins, cornstalks, bales of hay, and more to your front porch for fall, you need light! Even those who go for the Halloween theme, the ghosts, goblins, spiderwebs, and monsters deserve to be seen too! Our team loves to help our clients highlight their favorite seasonal décor in the front yard or on the porch. From path lights to spotlights and more, we have the perfect custom solution for you.

Mums, Asters, and Pansies

Towards the end of summer in Atlanta, a variety of spring’s annual flowers may have faded out due to the heat. As you add colorful fall annuals to your landscape, don’t forget to add the light. Fall flowers look magnificent with the subtle light of a nearby path light, so you can enjoy the blooms both day and night.

At Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Atlanta Northeast, we provide expert outdoor lighting consultations, design, and installation. If you have not considered adding outdoor lighting and landscape lighting to your property before now, fall is the time. We’ll get those lights in the ground for the long fall and winter nights, and you’ll be ready to rock by the time spring rolls back around. Call today!